Qorpus, vol. 11, n. 1, 2021 – Brazilian Translation Club

23/03/2021 15:38

Qorpus, vol. 11, n. 1, mar 2021
Especial Brazilian Translation Club

Expediente (PDF)
Sumário (PDF)


The aims and the stories of the Brazilian Translation Club (PDF)
Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva
A leitura ampliada como desejo (PDF)
Nara Vidal
Brazilian Translation Club: introduction (PDF)
Elton Uliana
Traduzir imagens em palavras e palavras em imagens (PDF)
Erika Pacheco


Fome (PDF)
Sérgio Tavares
     Hunger (PDF)
     Sérgio Tavares translated by Elton Uliana
     In short: translation transforms everything (PDF)
     Elton Uliana
Amanda (PDF)

Nara Vidal
     Amanda (PDF)
     Nara Vidal translated by Emyr Humphreys
     On translating Nara Vidal’s “Amanda” (PDF)
     Emyr Humphreys
Tratantes (PDF)
Ana Maria Machado
     (Mis)Treaters (PDF)
     Ana Maria Machado translated by Bianca Costa Sales
     “(Mis)Treaters”: translating the treats and mistreats of old age (PDF)
     Bianca Costa Sales
Fôlego (PDF)
Lucas Verzola
     Gasping (PDF)
     Lucas Verzola translated by Bárbara Ehler
     Translating out of breath (PDF)
     Bárbara Ehler
O espírito aboni das coisas (PDF)
Itamar Vieira Júnior
     The aboni spirit of things (PDF)
     Itamar Vieira Júnior translated by Victor Meadowcroft
     Capturing Itamar Vieira Junior’s aboni spirit (PDF)
     Victor Meadowcroft
Órfãos e A porta fechada (PDF)
Alê Motta
     Orphans and The closed door (PDF)
     Alê Motta translated by Nara Vidal and Gabriela Ruivo Trindade
     Os desafios da forma breve (PDF)
     Gabriela Ruivo Trindade e Nara Vidal
O striptease moral da pelada (PDF)
Xico Sá
     The moral striptease of the kickabout (PDF)
     Xico Sá translated by Christina Baum
     On translating Xico Sá (PDF)
     Christina Baum
Sombras sobre o rio (PDF)
Ronaldo Cagiano
     Shadows of the river (PDF)
     Ronaldo Cagiano translated by Aline Littlejohn
     Commentary (PDF)
     Aline Littlejohn
A mão que nos abençoa (PDF)
Clodie Vasli
     The hand that blesses us (PDF)
     Clodie Vasli translated by Andrew McDougall
     On translating Clodie Vasli’s “The hand that blesses us” (PDF)
     Andrew McDougall
Memória de mulher (PDF)
Eltânia André
     Memories of a woman (PDF)
     Eltânia André translated by Lúcia Collischonn de Abreu
     Translator’s commentary (PDF)
     Lúcia Collischonn de Abreu
O benfeitor de Santa Clara (PDF)
Decio Zylbersztajn
     The benefactor of Santa Clara (PDF)
     Decio Zylbersztajn translated by Andrew McDougall
     On translating Decio Zylbersztajn’s “The benefactor of Santa Clara” (PDF)
     Andrew McDougall
Aí eu fiquei sem esse filho (PDF)
Carla Bessa
     So I ended up without that child  (PDF)
     Carla Bessa translated by Fábio Mariano
     Comentário do tradutor (PDF)
     Fábio Mariano
Autor ou aquele que plagia a outra dor (PDF)
Jacques Fux
     Author or the plagiarizer of someone else’s pain (PDF)
     Jacques Fux translated by Rafa Lombardino
     The process of inhabiting an author’s mind – and feeling their pain (PDF)
     Rafa Lombardino
Perpétua (PDF)
Juliana Diniz
     Perpétua (PDF)
     Juliana Diniz translated by Nati Russo
     On translating Juliana Diniz’s short story “Perpétua” (PDF)
     Nati Russo